Megatrends such as climate change, digitalisation, and urbanisation are transforming all aspects of politics, economics and society in Africa. Consequently, they are also affecting conflict dynamics. This Working Paper focuses specifically on how megatrends are altering patterns of foreign intervention in African conflicts. Two aspects stand out: the range of intervening powers is widening, and they are intervening increasingly at arm’s length by delegating to human or technical surrogates.
Mogadishu, 2018: Somalian soldiers during a target practice held by Turkish Armed Forces.
© picture alliance / AA | Volkan Furuncu
Megatrends wie Globalisierung und Digitalisierung bieten dem afrikanischen Kontinent große Chancen, bedeuten aber auch enorme Herausforderungen. Die Podcast-Reihe »Megatrends Afrika« zeigt auf, wie diese Umbrüche den Kontinent prägen. In Folge zwei diskutieren Denis Tull und Benedikt Erforth über den geostrategischen Wettbewerb in Afrika. Moderation: Dominik Schottner.
The range of external actors intervening in internal conflicts on the African continent has undergone a noticeable change. Three states in particular are intervening in a growing number of African conflicts: the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Turkey, and Russia. Their expanding footprint shows that the multipolar disorder that has characterised wars in the Middle East now also affects much of Africa.