Women in Peace Talks: Lessons Learned from Mali
Megatrends Policy Brief 23, 22.02.2024, 6 Pagesdoi:10.18449/2024MTA-PB23
The integration of women leaders into Mali’s peace process between 2020 and 2022 was superficial, belated, and steeped in controversy. But it was a rare case in which women war-makers and mediators could influence high-level peace talks. Today, the Malian experience yields important lessons for mediators and policymakers.
Bamako, 2015: Women rally for the Algiers Peace Agreement. They have gone from marginal representation during that time to joining the process at Track I level in 2020.
© picture alliance / AA | Baba Ahmed
Jihadist groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS have gained influence in Niger's Tillabéri region, mobilising local populations with promises of protection and creating opportunities for social upheaval. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for effective political intervention in fragile contexts.
Potentiale einer feministischen Außen- und Entwicklungspolitik
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